How to install NihLink Safelink Template on Blogger (Documentation)

How to install NihLink Safelink Template on Blogger (Documentation)
How to install NihLink Safelink Template on Blogger (Documentation)

Cara Memasang Template Safelink NihLink di Blogger - NihLink adalah template safelink blogger terbaik yang pernah ada di platform blogger blogspot yang di buat oleh mas AnasRAR.

Jika kamu tertaring membuat blog safelink menggunakan template ini, berikut dokumentasi cara instalasi template NihLink blogger

Table of Contents

Cara Memasang Template NihLink Safelink Di Blogger

Berikut ini adalah cara memasang Template NihLink di blogger :

1# Download File Safelink NihLink Template

Untuk mendownload tema safelink NihLink bisa langsung ke halaman ini :

2# Ekstrak dan Buka File Template.XML

Ekstrak File NihLink.RAR dan Buka file Template.XML di Notepad atau Text editor lain

3# Salin Dan Tempel Templat Kode

Buka Template.xml dan Salin Semua Kode.

Buka Buka Tema > Edit HTML > lalu hapus semua kode template bawaan blog kamu dan paste kode template NihLink. Klik Simpan

4# Buat Artikel Untuk Halaman Safelink

Cukup masukkan kode berikut ini

<!--[ Kode HTML Postingan Safelink NihLink ]-->
<div id='output'></div>

Atau kamu bisa mengatur Postingan halaman seperti contoh berikut:

<!--[ Kode HTML Postingan Safelink NihLink ]-->
<p>Much of how users actually engage on the network is the same as on Twitter and Facebook. However, because circles force categorization of people, Google+ is far more easily customizable and allows a greater level of flexibility and dialed privacy. This would, in theory, allow users to enjoy the network with more people in more relevant ways. For example, you could share content specific to your professional network with people in that circle, while sharing the pictures of your kids to a more private circle, all from the same platform.</p>

<div class='adsHere ads-here' style='min-height:400px'>
<!-- Kode Ads -->

<div id="output"></div>

<div class='adsHere ads-here' style='min-height:400px'>
<!-- Kode Ads -->

<p>Another feature that seems to be growing in popularity with users, marketers and brands alike is the Google+ Hangout. Hangouts can be public or invite-only and allow users to connect with one another with voice and video without needing to download any software. Google has also added communities, which appear to mirror Facebook's groups, giving additional functionality and interaction opportunity to the site.</p>

<p>Find and befriend tastemakers:</p>

<p>It is easy to find key influencers on G+. It's still a smallish community where it may be easier to get the attention of and build relationships with influencers in your space. Tread lightly though; don't spam and always be respectful.</p>    

<p>MATLAB: A company that helps coding professionals better use their respective languages, MATLAB continuously provides its community with educational tools. They share content from their six blogs and numerous webinar series, offering an official certification program and general advocacy to grow the coding profession. Additionally, they reach out to audiences speaking both English and Japanese.</p>

<p>RedBull: The varied content that RedBull shares on Google+ is a great example of how to think horizontally about your brand and what it means to engage with consumers. In every post, the brand appeals to interests that exemplify what it means to be a part of the RedBull community and a RedBull drinker. You will not see posts about the product itself, its attributes, or even direct value propositions. What you will find is exciting images of extreme sports stars, video content about risk-taking, and even engaging music videos.</p>

4# Setting Blogger NihLink

Setting Blogger

Buka, Buka Tata Letak > Page-Setting > Setting

Kamu akan menemukan kode berikut, sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masing-masing dengan mengikuti panduan berikut :

<!--[ Setting NihLink ]-->
url: "", // blog url, if it is empty it will automatically use the blog url (don't add a slash at the end of the url)
page: "p/artikel.html", // url safelink page / safelink article
output: "#output", // place the output link, use the id attribute
fixednavbar: true, // please change to true / false if you want the Navbar to float
countdown: true, // please change to true / false if you want safelink page with countdown
timedown: 10, // countdown start
lang: {
 urlempty: "URL can not be empty",
 convertsuccess: "Convert URL success, copy url on box below",
 validtext: "HTTP, HTTPS, or WWW",
 gourltext: "Click here to go",
 nourl: "No URl here",
 errorconvert: "URL can not to convert",
 emptypass: "Password can not be empty",
 wrongpass: "Password is incorrect",
 countdowntext: "Please Wait {{anascountdown}} Second"
Code Keterangan
page Ganti dengan alamat URL Halaman postingan kamu yang sudah dibuat tadi sebelumnya dilangkah ke #3
timedown: Bisa kamu rubah waktu tunggu nya sesuai keinginan kamu

5# Auto Generated Safelink NihLink

Untuk menggunakan Auto generated Safelink Nihlink, caranya salin kode berikut di Sidebar Blog utama kamu

<!--[ Auto Generated Safelink ]-->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
        var blacklist = ['', '']; // URL / Domain Wont To Be Generated
        var config = {
            url: '', // Safelink Blog
            page: 'p/artikel.html', // Safelink Page
            keyit: 'AnasRAR', // Default Key
            countdown: true // Countdown
        nihlinkgenerate(blacklist, config);
Code Keterangan
Var Blacklist Ubah link nya menjadi link yang kamu ingin generated ke halaman safelink
URL Ubah menjadi URL blog safelink kamu
Page Ubah menjadi URL halaman safelink Blog kamu
Keyit Biarkan default
Countdown True = Mengaktifkan countdown, False = Menonaktifkan Countdown


Semoga dokumentasi safelink NihLink ini bisa membantu untuk melakukan kustomisasi kamu dalam membuat safelink blogger. Jika ada kendala ataupun pertanyaan bisa berdiskusi dikomentar.
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